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Dr. Sponge-FacialCleansing Sponge-Original (ACD-1511)

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• Material: konjac (魔芋) has been used in Asian cuisines and medicines for its healthy nutrients. This exotic plant native to Eastern Asia is commonly used in food dietary supplements. It is powerful skin booster for its natural richness in vitamins (A,E, D, B1, B2, B6, B12 and C) and minerals. Now we infuse this ancient receipt with modern technology to create a revolutionary sponge that targets and alleviates skincare concerns.

Dr. Sponge™ is a sustainable line of biodegradable and eco-friendly skin cleansing sponges made from konjac fiber and healthy ingredients such as aloe vera, pearl powder and lavender. This natural skin care tool delivers gentle yet effective daily cleansing for all skin types.

Please visit this link for more information: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxNfE2uOV24

[Out of Stock]

Price: $18.90
You Save: $11.40
* All currencies are in Canadian dollars. Prices listed are final.