1000 pts or less
1001 - 2000 pts
2001 - 5000 pts
5001 pts & above

The World’s Best Multi-Purpose Scrubby (EUROSCRUBBY)

[Out of Stock]

  • Made in EU and have been around for more than 20 years

  • Scrubbers are small but mighty.
  • Euro Scrubby makes clean-up Fast & Easy plus it’s safe for most Surfaces.
  • The cloth is 100% Cotton base material, and terry cloth fabric coated or infused with an abrasive substance – RESIN
  • Scrubbers come in all different colors so you can color-code each one depending on its use in your home.
  • Perfect for scouring, safe for glass / ceramic (Ceran) stove tops, non-stick cookware, glass shower doors, ovens, etc., because it is NON-ABRASIVE!
  • Good for cleaning:

    • Kitchen: Fridge, stove oven, cook tops and pans (use on stainless steel, porcelain, and glass with case).
    • Cleaning fresh root vegetables such as potatoes, carrots and burdock
    • Bathroom: Tub, shower, toilet and sink (great for removing hard water deposits)
    • Garden: Cleans buckets, clay pots, garden stakes, tools
    • Garage: Cleans chrome; takes rust off tools; removes bug deposits from windshields
    • Refining: Give woods soft worn look

[Out of Stock]

Price: $7.99
You Save: $3.49
* All currencies are in Canadian dollars. Prices listed are final.