1000 pts or less
1001 - 2000 pts
2001 - 5000 pts
5001 pts & above

gourmet nutritional kitchen scale (API-080202-004)
PROFESSIONAL DIET SCALE-Preprogrammed with 7 nutritional values (calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, sodium, fiber, cholesterol) of 999 different foods

Can store up to 99 values for tracking daily/weekly caloric intake

HEAVY DUTY CONSTRUCTION-Stainless steel weighing platform

Control panel can be folded under the platform to save counter space

MULTIPLE MEASURING UNITS-Automatic conversion feature imperial/metric

ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS -Includes temperature indicator & timer and Zero & tare functions


Price: $49.99
You Save: $24.49
* All currencies are in Canadian dollars. Prices listed are final.