1000 pts or less
1001 - 2000 pts
2001 - 5000 pts
5001 pts & above

pocket led illuminated magnifier (REL-535065-SC)
NO MORE EYESTRAIN when trying to read restaurant menus, car maps, grocery store labels, medical pill bottles, bedside night time reading or any fine print...anywhere! When reading glasses aren't handy or convenient, this LED pocket magnifier is the answer!

The Pocket LED Magnifiers 2.5 x magnification provides a much denser and intense array of light and also allows for a longer lifespan and better reliability.

Magnifying Glass with BRIGHT LED LIGHT

STYLISH DESIGN: Assorted patterns designs: Blue Wave, Flower Power, Sketch.

Each magnifier measures 3.5” x 2” easily fit in your wallet, pocket or purse.


Price: $9.99
You Save: $6.09
* All currencies are in Canadian dollars. Prices listed are final.